Epic Games is giving away FREE copies of City of Brass for one week, starting today and lasting until April 7th 2022. This game was free previously way back in May 2019.
Epic has announced that they will keep the weekly free game giveaways even in 2022 so make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Steam to get a reminder when each new free game giveaway launches!
Become a daring thief in City of Brass, a first-person action adventure from senior BioShock developers.
Armed with scimitar and a versatile whip, you’ll lash and slash, bait and trap your way to the heart of an opulent, Arabian Nights-themed metropolis – or face certain death as time runs out.
Just head over to Epic Games Store or navigate to the game in their launcher before April 7th 2022, add the game to your cart and checkout. Simple as that. After that, the game is yours to keep, and play, forever. Make sure to check in next Thursday for the next Epic Games Store freebie.
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