As expected, the teleportation experiments inadvertently open a gateway to Hell, resulting in a catastrophic invasion by demons. The player, an anonymous space marine, must fight through the base and find a way to stop demons from Hell attacking Earth.
Doom 3Â was a critical and commercial success for id Software; and with more than 3.5 million copies of the game sold, it is the most successful game by the developer to date.
If you ask us, there’s no better gaming choice for this year’s Halloween.
On sale are both Doom 3 BFG Edition and Doom 3 Ressurrection of Evil
Get it over at GMG.
Do note that Bethesda sale is also in progress over at Green Man Gaming. Check out the deals (including Doom Classic Complete)Â HERE.
Make sure to use the voucher code SPOOKY-TREATS-GMG20X for extra 20% off!