Welcome to the future. The remnants of humanity, in the aftermath of a cataclysmic event known only as The Fall, have fled a dying homeworld to seek refuge among the colonies of the solar system. Two hundred years later a small reconnaissance team returns to survey the surface of the dead world only to find surprising discovery… Find out which in The Terror Aboard the Speedwell.
Get The Terror Aboard the Speedwell here for $1.25.
Orborun is a fast-paced, racing-puzzler is a solid slice of fun. A cool breakbeat soundtrack contributes to the good-time groove as you hurl your cute little Orbot through vertiginous, Portal-on-acid-style levels of increasing velocity and trickiness.
Get Orborun here for $3.60.
Welcome to a strange, violent world in which contract killers are routinely hired to rub out dysfunctional relatives, abusive co-workers, and even just loud neighbours. Sandwiched in between there’s murder, time travel and alternate futures – all brought together with a perfectly logical and yet completely shocking, unexpected climax. Rendered in Jason’s trade crisp deadpan style, and augmented by lovely, understated colouring, I Killed Adolf Hitler is an truly marvellous, oddball gem.
Get ‘I Killed Adolf Hitler’ E-book here for $6.39.
Join Joe Haldeman, Linda Nagata, Karin Lowachee, Ken Liu, Jay Posey, and more as they take you on a tour of the battlefields, from those hurtling through space in spaceships and winding along trails deep in the jungle with bullets whizzing overhead, to the ones hiding behind calm smiles, waiting patiently to reveal itself in those quiet moments when we feel safest. War Stories brings us 23 stories of the impacts of war, showcasing the systems, combat, armor, and aftermath without condemnation or glorification.
Get War Stories here for $3.35.
The world of speculative fiction is expansive; it covers more than one country, one continent, one culture. Collected here are sixteen stories penned by authors from Thailand, the Philippines, China, Israel, Pakistan, Serbia, Croatia, Malaysia, and other countries across the globe. Each one tells a tale breathtakingly vast and varied, whether caught in the ghosts of the past or entangled in a postmodern age.