The Learn Amazon Alexa Development Bundle

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If you want to enhance your knowledge of coding for the Alexa platform, these online learning courses, available at IGB DEALS, are perfect for you.

The first course begins with the date skill, allowing you to use the Wikipedia API to gather information about a date using just your voice. You will then learn a simple IoT skill, how to create a color game, and build a Raspberry Pi-powered car. The course gives detailed explanations for all the coding involved and uses hands-on projects to help you practice and master the concepts by yourself.

Next, you’ll learn Flash Briefing – a perfect way to deliver content to your audience via the Alexa ecosystem and the Amazon Alexa-enabled suite of devices.

Plus, you’ll learn how to setup Alexa for business, customize Alexa in your own way and more.

Get this eLearning bundle at IGB DEALS (available for a limited time)

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