Grab Battlefield 1 Infantry Shortcut Bundle DLC for free on Steam

Grab Battlefield 1 Infantry Shortcut Bundle for free in a promo by EA and Steam. Get this DLC for free on Steam before September 9th and keep it forever.

Grab Battlefield 1 Infantry Shortcut Bundle DLC for free on Steam

It’s the dawn of all-out war, so you’d better go in armed.

The Infantry Bundle gets you all primary weapons, sidearms, and gadgets earned for all four infantry classes – Assault, Medic, Scout, and Support – in Battlefield™ 1 multiplayer. You’ll also unlock progression-based melee weapons, sidearms, and grenades that are not tied to any specific class.

Only base game progression items included. This Shortcut Kit does not contain items offered in future downloadable content, items added in expansion packs, content that must be unlocked through Battlepacks, or promotional offer items.

What do I need to play this?

This content requires the base game Battlefield 1 on Steam in order to play.

How long will I own this expansion?

Once you claim it, it’s yours to keep!

Where can I grab this freebie?

Go to Steam and add it to your cart for free! Available until September 9th 2021.

Make sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook or Steam to get a reminder when each new free game giveaway launches!

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