Humble Book Bundle: Unix and Linux

Coding and programming are more accessible than ever, thanks to publishers like O’Reilly! Pay just $1 to get 5 eBooks about Linux and Unix. You can pay more to support charity and get up to 16 eBooks!

Humble Book Bundle: Unix and Linux


So, this is a bundle full of eBooks? What exactly is in it?

In this bundle you can scrub up on your Unix and Linux skills, covering system programming, cybersecurity, and much more with ebooks like bash CookbookLinux Observability with BPFEffective awk Programming, and Learning the Bash Shell.

Plus, your purchase helps support Code for America!

How much do all these ebooks cost?

Pay $1 or more. All together, these books would cost over US$594,80. At Humble Bundle, though, you name your price of $1 for 5 eBooks or add more to increase your contribution and upgrade your bundle!

Where can I buy it?

Humble Book Bundle: Unix and Linux is available at Humble Bundle until Monday, September 13th 2021.

On what devices can I read these books?

Read them anywhere. The ebooks in this bundle are available in PDF, MOBI, and ePub formats, so they work on your computer, e-readers, iPads, cell phones, and a wide array of mobile devices!

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