Ultimate Adobe Photo Editing Bundle

Ultimate Adobe Photo Editing Bundle – Edit Photos Like the Pros After 41 Hours of Top-Notch Instruction

online photoshop courses

Adobe Photoshop is an extremely powerful software that will allow you to totally revolutionize the way your work with images. This course uses a wide variety of real-life situations to teach you the myriad ways you can use Photoshop to your advantage. By the end of just the first course, you’ll have a strong grasp of Photoshop’s tools, interface, selection options, and much more.

This eLearning bundle filled with expert online courses collects the following lessons:

  • Photoshop for Beginners – Access 93 lectures & 7 hours of content 24/7 to learn the layers & layers panel, & how to navigate the Photoshop interface, Master image manipulation & enhancement
  • Photoshop CC Crash Course – This course takes a structured approach to Photoshop to help you master the three most important elements of the software: Layers, Selections, and Color Correction. By delving into greater focus on these three “legs,” you will gain a utilitarian, functional understanding of Photoshop that will allow you to use it extremely effectively, without getting bogged down by smaller, less essential features.
  • Learn Adobe Photoshop CS6 & CC from Scratch – Adobe Photoshop is the choice image editing software for industries as diverse as fashion and design to web and game development. Whether you’re an amateur photographer interested in editing techniques, or you’re aspiring to a career using Photoshop, this course will immerse you in all of the key tools available in Photoshop CS6 and CC. Through a series of mini-projects, you’ll be up to speed on how to optimize Photoshop in no time.
  • High End Beauty Retouching Techniques in Photoshop – You’ve seen high end beauty images in ads in magazines, at bus stations, or on billboards, but have you ever wondered how the images got so crisp and defined? The answer is retouching. And extremely detailed retouching, at that. This course will introduce you to the art of retouching by diving into not just the tools and techniques, but with a background in the theory and thought surrounding the notion of beauty in high-end imaging.
  • Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Lightroom 6 – This course will teach you to use Lightroom versions 4 through 6 for any and all of your image editing needs. Covering everything from organizing your images to printing to slideshows, you’ll gain the skills to supercharge your image editing process. The expert instructor frequently updates the course content with the latest techniques, so your knowledge will most definitely remain up-to-date.

…and 3 more online Photoshop classes, covering everything from becoming a Photoshop freelancer, to tutorials on Adobe Lightroom, to digital blending practices.

Ultimate Adobe Photo Editing Bundle is currently available at IGB DEALS for just $29.99 (the retail price if bought separately is $566!)

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