Replay your favorite childhood titles, or learn what the fuss was about anyway. The Wayback Bundle is packed with classic gaming titles.
7th Legion will put you in command of mech, tanks, troops and other military units in a real time blood fest. Continue simillar adventure in Slave Zero, where you’ll rampage through a city filled with hover cars, ground traffic, and screaming humans fleeing for their lives in this classic mech shooter. Or strike your foes in all-out shooters Shadow Ops and Gunship!.
BloodNet and Rex Nebular are classic adventure games set in a gritting and unsettling world of distopian future, while Sword of the Samurai will cast you into real-time battles involving infantry, cavalry and muskets on battlefields that vary with every conflict and crucial to achieving your ultimate goal in unifying feudal Japan under your noble rule.
The Wayback Bundle includes:
- 7th Legion
- Shadow Ops: Red Mercury
- BloodNet
- Gunship!
- Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender
- Slave Zero
- Sword of the Samurai