Introducing the Fanatical Anime Tales Bundle, the first of ‘Fanatical Exclusive’ bundles carefully and creatively put together by the Fanatical team.
Prepare to be ‘anime-zed’ with this collection of Steam games that captures the essence of engaging visual novels.
Fanatical Anime Tales Bundle includes the following Steam titles, 9 games and 1 DLC:
- One Small Fire At A Time
- Strawberry Vinegar
- Cursed Sight
- Go! Go! Nippon! ~My First Trip to Japan~
- This World Unknown
- Without Within 2
- Dead End Junction
- AIdol
- Wish -tale of the sixteenth night of lunar month-
- Tasty Shame in Silver Soul!
9 out of 10 titles featured in this PC Steam game bundle come with Steam Trading Cards. All 10 titles in this indie game collection activate on Steam via separate Steam keys. All games are playable on Windows.
Buy The Fanatical Anime Tales Bundle here
- All other bundles by Fanatical
- All Active Game Bundles