Bundle Stars Dollar Dash lets you pick 1, 4 or 7 games and make your own bundle out of 20 Steam games! Available for 7 days only.
Pay €1.09 to choose just one game, €3.29 to pick 4 games or €5.59 to pick 7 games out of the following 20 PC Steam games:
- Sir, You Are Being Hunted
- Anodyne
- Dead Effect 2
- A Story About My Uncle
- One Finger Death Punch
- Sanctum
- Kingdom Rush
- Battle Vs Chess
- GemCraft Chasing Shadows
- Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
- Lichdom: Battlemage
- Planetary Annihilation
- A Bird Story
- Bridge Constructor Medieval
- Bridge Constructor Stunts
- Dead Effect
- Sudeki
- Two Worlds II: Velvet Edition
- D/Generation HD
- Ghost Master
Most of these games have been bundled before, but luckily you can hand pick the ones you missed that you wanted to add to your Steam library.
Bundle Stars Dollar Dash is available at Bundle Stars until November 1st
- All bundles by Bundle Stars
- All currently active Game Bundles